Places I've Knit: April & May

I thought I would try something fun that would also keep me accountable and have me posting regularly. I have kept track of all the place's I knit in April & May (I was going to post April's earlier in May - oops!) and I'd like to share them all with you. It also shows you some of my knitting progress ;)

5 Guys Burger & Fries, went for dinner with DH.

IHOP, at our Annual Admin Breakfast during tax season.

DH's car, a place a ALWAYS knit.

The movie theatre, we saw Black Panther, SO GOOD!

My son's school's spring concert, always adorable!

And that's all of April. It's the busiest month at work and I still managed to find quite a bit of time to knit! Now on to May...

The movie theatre again, another Marvel movie. We are big fans.

And this is where DH got in an accident at work so I knit at the hospital and I knit at a lot of doctors appointments. He's doing good, nothing serious but still awful.

The bingo hall, I was working for my son's baseball.

My car, another place I like to knit while I wait for the people I'm picking up, for sports to start, for trains to pass or sometimes while waiting for fast food, I'm not ashamed.

Brown's Social House, here we were celebrating my Great Oma's 90th birthday! It was a great night.

Some of the other place's I knit but did not photograph was hockey, baseball (both for me & the boy),  the Mother's Day tea party hosted by the boys daycare, Ed's Rec Room in West Edmonton Mall, my cousin's long weekend BBQ, while donating blood and more, for sure.

I am also happy to report that I finished DH's wedding socks and it only took me a month and a half! FO post to come. I was so excited to finish them I cast on a smaller pair in the same yarn for our boy to match his dad at the wedding.

I hope you found this interesting and I am excited to start doing this monthly!


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